Scouting for All

In 2010, the Scout Association adopted a diversity framework which puts inclusion at the heart of the organisation and outlines plans to deliver projects across all the strands. These include accessibility, LGBT, faiths and beliefs and community cohesion.

The Scout Association is committed to extending Scouting, its Purpose and Method to young people in all parts of society.  No person should receive less favourable treatment on the basis of, nor suffer disadvantage by reason of:

  • class
  • ethnic origin, nationality (or statelessness) or race
  • gender
  • marital or sexual status
  • mental or physical ability
  • political or religious belief

All members of the Movement should seek to practise that equality, especially in promoting access to Scouting for young people in all parts of society. The Scout Association opposes all forms of racism.

We are proud of the fact that we offer great flexibility while remaining true to our core principles. The wording of the Scout Promise for example, may change to meet specific cultural requirements, while the essence remains the same.

Girls in Scouting

Batchworth Sea Scout Group is mixed, meaning that we welcome girls and boys equally into all aspects of our group.

As part of a commitment to a diverse membership, we and the National Scouting Association have undertaken significant work to prepare our Group and the Movement for the full inclusion of both girls and boys in 2007.

Religious Policy

The Scout Movement includes Members of many different forms of religion.  All Members of the Movement are encouraged to:

  • make every effort to progress in the understanding and observance of the Promise to do their best to do their duty to God;
  • belong to some religious body;
  • carry into daily practice what they profess.

Attendance at services

If a Scout Group is composed of members of several denominations or religions, the Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts should be encouraged to attend services of their own form of religion.